The Marriage Journey gives helpful navigational aids you can easily apply during the stormy times of your marriage flight.  The aeronautical theme gives an uplifting perspective to the turbulence often experienced in marriage.  
The Journey checkups, flight plans, and more, make for an easy read, plus offer a fresh and unclouded approach to help you build a strong marriage and family.  

Travel on The Marriage Journey for an unforgettable trip.   The analogy of plane travel used in the book, the Journey helps couples explore new territories and make surprising discoveries.  A successful marriage requires clear flight plans to avoid thunder storms for a smooth journey.  God as the pilot and couples as the co-pilots, couples need to work as a team to make the flight as enjoyable as possible and appreciate the beauty of the skies.  The Journey will help couples have a pleasant trip.  Enjoy the flight!

Written by the co-author of The Solution for MarriagesThe Marriage Journey shares skills to create a strong, healthy and lasting marriage.  It is designed for couples of any age or stage in their relationship.  You can turn a good marriage into a great one, find hope in a struggling one, or take a great marriage to a deeper, more passionate level.

These cards serve as navigation “checkpoints” similar to most flight requirements to report their route checkpoints with flight control centers! Each deck of cards (coffee mugs not included) contains 54 words relative to marriage, one on every card.  Each word is supported by a scripture for that word. That word is intended to provoke discussion, thought and strength to the couple. Order yours today.

Estas tarjetas sirven como “puntos de control” de navegación, similares a los requisitos de la mayoría de los vuelos para informar sobre los puntos de control de ruta a los centros de control de vuelo. Cada baraja de cartas (tazas de café no incluidas) contiene 54 palabras relacionadas con el matrimonio, una en cada tarjeta. Cada palabra está respaldada por un pasaje bíblico que la acompaña. Esa palabra tiene como objetivo provocar debate, reflexión y fortaleza en la pareja. Pida la suya hoy mismo.

El matrimonio es un viaje” provee ayuda útil a la navegación en el matrimonio que usted puede   aplicar fácilmente en los momentos tormentosos de su matrimonio. El tema aeronáutico da una perspectiva edificante a la turbulencia experimentada a menudo en su relación. Las revisiones antes del vuelo, planes de viaje, y más, hacen una lectura fácil, además de ofrecer un enfoque fresco y sin nubes para ayudarle a construir un matrimonio y familia sólidos. 

Viajar con “El matrimonio es un viaje” será inolvidable. Usando la analogía de los viajes en avión, el libro  ayuda a las parejas a explorar nuevos territorios y hacer descubrimientos sorprendentes. Un matrimonio exitoso requiere de planes de vuelo claros para evitar las tormentas eléctricas y tener un viaje más satisfactorio. Dios como el piloto y las parejas como los copilotos; las parejas deben trabajar en equipo para hacer que el vuelo sea lo más agradable posible y apreciar la belleza de los cielos. El viaje ayudará a las parejas a tener un viaje placentero. ¡Disfrute del vuelo!

Escrito por el co-autor de “La solución para los matrimonios”, “El matrimonio es un viaje” comparte habilidades para crear un matrimonio fuerte, saludable y duradero. Está diseñado para parejas de cualquier edad o etapa en su relación. Usted puede convertir un buen matrimonio en uno grandioso, encontrar la esperanza en su lucha por uno, o llevar un gran matrimonio a un nivel profundamente apasionado

Journey 2 Victory serves as a tool to assist in healing not only marriages and relationships, but also individuals.  Many times when our thoughts are committed to paper God gives us comfort and ‘releases’ our hurt and pain.

This is a journal designed to give you a sense of freedom and peace using a word, with a related scripture verse, to reflect and pray your struggles to Him. Each day select a word that is significant, pray the scripture for that word and then journal your thoughts.

Once you’ve completed the journal (journey) for the word use that scripture to help guide you through your day. You might feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with a friend, family member, your pastor or spouse. Most important, let God ‘speak’ to you imparting His Will for the day.

Another use for the Journey 2 Victory is to supplement the Navigational Cards found in The Marriage Journey: A flight Plan to Your Healthy Marriage.  The cards are a simple tool to assist in conversations at home, school, work or just about anywhere.  Check them out above..  Instructions are on the site as well, or you’ll find them in Chapter 18 for The Marriage Journey.

This unique guide, The Solution for Marriages, provides pastors, marriage mentors and couples with a proven road map that masterfully combines timeless wisdom, critical relationship skills and the use of a thorough and validated couple assessment to virtually eliminate divorce!

Written by Jeff Murphy and Chuck Dettman, two marriage mentors with over 40 years of combined experience helping engaged and married couples dramatically improve their relationships, there is simply nothing else like it on the market. Readers will discover how to successfully mentor couples and confidently address a wide range of topics, including how to:

Discover God’s purpose for marriage

Understand the impact cohabitation has on the marriage

Protect their marriage from the Internet, social media and friends

Break free from the grip of pornography

Grant forgiveness and build a foundation of trust

Discover sexual purpose and fulfillment

Understanding your Family of Origin

Cultural Differences


And much more!

Some of the tools and templates that we use when mentoring are available for free download using the links below. The proper use and interpretation of the results from these tools are fully explained in The Solution for Marriages.

Permission is granted to pastors, mentors and counselors who have purchased The Solutions for Marriages to print and distribute copies of these resources for use in their individual mentoring or counseling practice, without alteration of any content or removal of copyright information.

Mentoring resources identified as “premium content” are available exclusively to owners of The Solution for Marriages.

To access the premium content, please login using “marriage” as the username.

The password is the last word in Chapter 22 of The Solution for Marriages.